Wednesday 15 February 2012

Marie Chapdelaine - Chapitre 11

Maria and her father go to church often now, and it is February.

They dine with the priest and the priest asks her what's wrong and explains to her that they were not fiancés and therefore she should not be taking it this hard. She returns home hating her surroundings, feeling like the woods, the winter have hurt her.

Marie Chapdelaine - Chapitre 10

It's new year's eve and the family doesn't have any expected guests, to the dismay of Laura. When Eutrope Gagnon arrives they are all very happy to see him, but he tells them grave news - Francois is dead. He died trying to get to Maria. The somber family speaks well of him and says prayers for him. Maria says nothing but cries once everyone has gone to bed. She prays again at the end.

123 - She questions religion - why would they not send an angel, etc.

Marie Chapdelaine - Chapitre 9

p. 102 Midnight mass
---> 1000 Hail Marys on Christmas eve will bring you your heart's wish.

Paragraphe qui commence avec "Les pieux..." lots of forest imagery p. 105

Husband says to his wife Laura that she could've done better - she denies that.

Alma-Rose plays with her father - lots of description about father here.

Maria completes her prayers in time and speaks aloud her sentiments about Francois.

Marie Chapdelaine - Chapitre 7 and 8

September starts, moves into October, and ends in November.

91 secheresse (dryness)

Rain, autumn comes - "longest year - Maria"


Preparing for winter "La splendeur de cette agonie" 96

97 chantier (construction site)

98 House is the world. - quote

Marie Chapdelaine - Chapitre 6

83 norouâ (north-west wind)

84 foins (make hay)

pas à pas (step-by-step)

85 faux (fake, forgery)

86 hâter (hasten)

87 demi-assoupissement (half slumber)

All about the weather. Everyone is waiting for the season to change, watching the clouds to see when it will rain. It ends with Maria cooking bread and dreaming of Francois.

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Marie Chapdelaine - Chapitre 5

seau - bucket/pail

Celebrating Saint Anne Day together at the table.

Eutrope Gagnon is there for dinner, and we meet Lorenzo Surprenant for the first time (69).

71 - Opinion on the US.

72 - mugissement (bellowing, howling, wailing)

la boucane (fumée)

76 The three men are together and all attracted to Maria. The family goes blueberry picking. Maria and Francois end up alone together. He explains his future plans and wants to know if she wants to share his life with him. Maria says she will wait for him until he returns in the spring. 81

Marie Chapdelaine - Chapitre 4

Esdras (aîné, garçon) - Maria is the second oldest

Da Bé (garçon)

Edwige Légaré - homme engagé (54) work hand

seuil- doorstep, threshold, au ~ de (at the beginning of)

Talks about clearing the forest, the five men (the family plus Edwige). The women prepare meals.
Summer arrives which is just as hot as as the winter is cold.

Monday 13 February 2012

Marie Chapdelaine - Chapitre 3

chutes - waterfalls

Begins with the month of May - spring is here. Francois Paradis returns late one night after seven years (although he saw Maria and her father during the winter in Péribonka.

Page 48 we see Francois' love of the forest and living in tents and the disapproval of la mère Chapdelaine. Wouldn't you rather...?

"Ce qu'il fallait dire et ce qu'il fallait taire" 49

52 - la mère Chapdelaine waited three years before choosing her husband.

Marie Chapdelaine - Chapitre 2

The chapter begins with Maria telling the family about their month long journey where they travelled a lot (36). We meet Alma-Rose (girl), Télesphore (jeune garçon), Tit'Bé (garçon de 14 ans), la mère Chapdelaine and Eutrope Gagnon (voisin - came to see Maria and everyone knows pg 39-40). Adoration humble (43).

Father wants to "Faire de la terre!" (42)

It's been a long winter (40) but soon the spring will come (Maria's anticipation - 44).

Marie Chapdelaine - Chapitre 1

The people of the town talk about the Chapdelaine family, Maria and her father Samuel. They live far out of town and keep to themselves. After church everyone gathers to talk about the comings and goings in town.

We meet Francois Paradis - we see the connection with spring time and their interest for each other.

Maria and her father visit Azalma Larouche and Nazaire Larouche. They decline the invitation to stay the night and head home - spring is coming and the snow is melting.